Best short Travel Quotes with pictures
If you’re on the hunt for the best short travel quotes, I’ve put together a collection of my favorites in this article. They’re perfect for Instagram or wherever else you need a little inspiration.
I’ve always been a big fan of travel quotes, and whenever I find one I love—whether it’s on Pinterest, Instagram, in books, or even graffiti—I make sure to jot it down! This list will keep growing as I come across new quotes that inspire me and are worth sharing here. Feel free to save your favorites to your Pinterest board too.
I’ll also be including some short one-word captions for travel, like “Wanderlust” or “Fernweh”. Even though they’re in other languages, their meanings are beautiful and definitely worth knowing.
If I know the author of a travel quote, I’ll include the name. If you notice a quote without credit and you know who said it, feel free to leave a comment, and I’ll make sure to add it.
32 Best short travel quotes
1. “If not now, when?” – Primo Levi
I’m starting this list of short travel captions with one of my all-time favorites: “If not now, when?”
It’s a simple, brief phrase, but I turn to it whenever I’m feeling uncertain or when fear makes me think I should postpone the things I really want.
I have this quote written down so it’s the first thing I see when I open my laptop. Just reading it snaps me back to reality because, truly, if not now, when? There will always be excuses to hold off on what we desire, and the conditions will never be perfect.
2. “Adventure is out there”
3. “Don’t call it a dream… call it a plan”
When L and I talk, we always say there’s a big difference between having dreams and having wishes.
Many people have wishes but don’t do anything to make them happen because they’re just that: wishes. But when you have a dream, you make a plan and do everything you can to achieve it. Even if you don’t succeed, it doesn’t matter, because that dream becomes your driving force.
4. “I want to make memories all over the world”
I can never remember exactly how many countries I’ve visited, but I always have vivid memories of the experiences I’ve had in each one.
5. “Smile, laugh, and travel”
6. “Travel, because money returns. Time doesn’t”
7. “Laugh more, Travel more!”
8. “Let’s go to explore magical places”
9. “All I need in life is to travel the world”
10. “When in doubt, just travel”
11. “To travel is to live” – Hans Christian Andersen
We love this travel quote so much that it inspired the name of our blog. “Travel & Living” is how you’d say “Viajar Viviendo” in English.
12. “Let’s get lost”
13. “Just go”
14. “Adventure is worthwhile in itself” – Amelia Earhart
Amelia Mary Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
15. “Travel more, worry less”
16. “No reason to stay is a good reason to go”
17. “Live your life by a compass, not a clock” – Stephen Covey
18. “Say yes to new adventures”
19. “Life is short, and the world is wide”
20. “Not all classrooms have four walls”
21. “This wasn’t a strange place; it was a new one”
22. “Collect moments, not things”
23. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
24. “Take only memories, leave only footprints”
25. “Be afraid. And do it anyway”, one of my favorite short travel sayings
Without a doubt, this is my mantra. I use this phrase in many moments of my life. I’m very fearful by nature.
People often assume that because I travel a lot, I’m fearless and take on anything, but that’s not true.
In fact, I have many fears. I’m terrified of flying, I have vertigo, and I have a deep respect for the ocean. Still, I take dozens of flights each year, I’ve trekked through the Himalayas at over 17,700 feet, and I’ve boarded crowded ferries between Indonesian islands. Did I feel afraid? Yes, but I did it anyway.
26. “I just want to explore”
27. “Time is precious, waste it wisely”
28. “It’s time for a new adventure”
29. “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world” – Louis Armstrong
Honestly, haven’t you read that quote while humming the song?
30. “Travel is my therapy”
31. “Travel is an investment in yourself”
32. “If you never go, you will never know”
6 Short funny travel quotes
33. “I need a 6-month vacation twice a year”
34. “Work, save, travel, repeat”
35. “Tired feet, happy heart”
36. “In travel mode. Do not disturb”
37. “Keep calm and travel on”
38. “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list”
⏩ Read: Best funny travel quotes
14 One-Word captions for travel
There are many one-word captions for travel that spark the imagination. Here are some of my favorites:
There are also one word short travel quotes in other languages with beautiful meanings that capture an idea in just one word, whereas in English, we’d need several to describe the same thing.
39. Wanderlust
A strong desire to travel. It’s a German word that combines “wandern” meaning “to wander” and “lust”, which means “desire” or “passion”.
40. Serendipity
Serendipity means the developments of events by chance or by accident in a way which is beneficial.
Where does the word “serendipity” come from? Serendip (also Serendib) attested by 1708 in English, is an old name for Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), from Arabic Sarandib.
41. Fernweh
It’s a German word which means longing for somewhere you’ve never been. It translates to “distance-sickness”.
Without a doubt, Fernweh is one of my favorite one-word caption for travel. Even though its meaning is similar to Wanderlust, I actually like it even more.
42. Pluviophiles
Pluviophiles are people who love the rain and enjoy during rainy days.
Where does the word “pluviophile” come from? It comes from the Latin word for rain: pluvial.
43. Resfeber
Resfeber is a swedish word which means when you get nervous before traveling.
44. Solivagant
It’s a latin word which means wandering alone.
45. Schwellenangst
It’s a german word. It means the fear of trying something new or begin a new chapter.
I like this word, maybe because it’s exactly how I’ve felt at different points in my life—when I had to make choices that would completely change my day-to-day. Like when I left a stable job, when I left my country to become a digital nomad, or when I decided to settle in a new country as an expat.
46. Eleutheromania
Eleutheromania is a greek word and it means an intense and irresistible desire for freedom.
47. Livsnjutare
It’s a swedish word which literally means enjoyer of life.
And that’s it for my favorite short travel quotes. Do you have a favorite? As I’ve mentioned throughout the post, I have quite a few! Whenever I find new short travel captions I love, I’ll be adding them here, so I recommend saving this post for future updates.